well hung
Ok maybe the title wasn't as enticing as i thought. In fact it sounded kinda tacky, but hey who cares? It's my blog and i could write whatever i want to. The only problem now is, what in heavens am i going to write about?
Before opening this page i was thinking in line of writing something intelligent. Like a make beleive writer in search of some inspiration. Heck, and after gulping down my very huge mug of Nescafe and some crackers i am still stuck sitting here trying to compose something that i think people would gush and conclude my peice of write up as something that would win the Pulitzer Prize. Haha! Fat chance! I'd be lucky if i could muster enough vocab to fill up this page.
I didn't really want to stop writing after my first attempt. Ok topic topic, I am totally clueless whenever i am forced to write something and with no further adieu i will or this will go on forever until next year.
Every time i try to write something important out of all the other important topics in the world i noticed how my darn PC just stops functioning and i have to reboot. Trust me, rebooting your PC can be stressful, reason being, you literally have to lift your fingers up stop whatever you are doing, bend down while pointing your fingers to a 45 degrees angle and press the mini button at the bottom of your CPU. See that itself will save you RM155 for gym memberships. Why? Hey, that itself burns calories.
First, when you realised that your PC hangs on you, your heart skips a beat. That is cardio. the as you lift your fingers up and attempt to bend down to push the button, and that itself you'd be doing push ups but because instead of using 2 hands to support your body, you'll be using only your index finger while the other hand would be hanging on to the table trying to balance your entire body. And while you're trying to locate that mini reboot button, you realised it isn't situated at the place you thought it would be. Hence you have to force yourself to get up and locate it. Nah... Too much work and effort.
I for one is a self proclaimed lazy bum. I worsip the guy who invented the remote control. I think he's (no gender related since i don't know who actually invented it) god gift. If only there is a remote control for laundry, clothes folding, washing the toilet or doing other chores by just a click of a button, do let me know. I'll be the first one to get em. That is if I could afford the price tag. Even if I can't I'll most probably rob the bank and get the dough to get that darn remote control.
Ok, the coffee is taking effect on my brains now. I don't even know what i am talking about let alone touch on the title i've so proudly and tackily named. So please don't ask me what relation it has to do with this piece of stuff you are reading as to the title.
All i know now is that if i could type all these lying down i would do it in a jiffy.
At 12:17 AM,
seocom said…
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالاحساء
كشف تسربات المياه من بين الخدمات التي يحتاج إليها المواطنين دائماً، حيث كثيراً ما تتعرض بيوت المملكة العربية السعودية إلى مشكلة التسرب الناتجة عن عدة أسباب منها حدوث تلف في شبكة المياه الرئيسية أو كسر إحدى مواسير المياه، لذلك من الأفضل لكم أن يتم التعامل مع شركة خبيرة في مجال التسربات والكشف عنها، وشركة كشف تسربات المياه بالاحساء من بين هذه الشركات المتميزة التي أثبتت جدارتها في عملية الكشف عن التسربات باستخدام الأجهزة الالكترونية الحديثة دون الحاجة إلى التكسير أو التسبب في أي تلف للجدران والأرضيات، لذلك يمكنكم الآن التعاون معنا عبر أرقامنا للحصول على خدماتنا بأقل تكلفة وبدقة عالية.
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